Get on course to stop type 2 diabetes in its tracks

During national Diabetes Prevention Week, people at risk of getting type 2 diabetes are being urged to stop it in its tracks by signing up for a free course.

Currently patients at risk of developing this type of diabetes are being sent letters and text reminders by their GP practice inviting them on the NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme.

Type 2 diabetes is normally caused by things like a poor diet, lack of exercise and being overweight but can be avoided if you make the right changes.

Dr Donna Sager, Stockport Council’s Deputy Director of Public Health said: “Most people would be shocked to know that type 2 diabetes is the fastest growing health issue and that around 22,000 people in England die early every year due to diabetes which is a largely preventable condition.

“The good news is that there is a free programme available for our residents who are at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, the Healthier You: NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme.”

The programme includes group-based sessions in the community giving advice on becoming more active, eating more healthily and setting long term goals to make healthier lifestyle choices and so reduce their risk.

Stockport’s lead GP Dr Ranjit Gill added “It is estimated that around 27,000 people in Stockport are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

“This type of diabetes usually occurs because people are overweight and it can have devastating consequences if not diagnosed and managed well.

“Although the prevention programme was only launched last summer, over 650 Stockport residents have been on it and we are already seeing patients benefit with dramatic improvements in their health.

“If you are invited by your GP to attend the programme, please do take up the offer – it will be one of the best things you do.”

Speak to your GP practice team if you have concerns about developing type 2 diabetes. You can also take check out the online quiz at