For all 12-15 year old’s in Stockport – make the most of the last few days of your school holidays and get vaccinated

Stockport’s 12-15 year olds are being urged by health bosses to make the most of the last few days of their Christmas holidays and get their vaccination done.

You do not need an appointment and can just walk in to the One Stockport Hub for your vaccination. Anyone 16+ can also have your first, second or booster vaccination at the Hub. Three months must have passed since the second dose to be eligible for a booster.

The One Stockport Hub is at Mersey Square, Stockport, SK1 1RA and is open 10am-3pm every day this week through to Saturday 8 January.

Children aged 12-15 can come along every day this week, during the school holidays, for first or second vaccines. Once school re-starts, 12-15 year olds can walk in to the One Stockport Hub every Saturday in January from 10am to 3pm.

From Monday 10 January 12-15 years olds can also attend for vaccination (with or without an appointment) at Trinity Methodist Church, Trinity Gardens, 351 Bramhall Lane, SK3 8TP. Trinity is open seven days a week until 29 January from 8am until 6pm providing another opportunity for young people to get their vaccination. Booked appointments will be available soon via the National Booking Service, or by calling 119 for free.

Parents can contact the School Nursing Service for advice and support about the vaccination programme on 0161 474 5912.

Children can contact a text-based service, ChatHealth, on 07480 635 227, where they can chat with a school nurse for confidential advice and support. This is not limited to questions about the vaccine.

The school vaccination programme restarts on Thursday 13 January, for second dose vaccinations and first dose vaccinations will also be available. As a reminder, parents are asked to look out for information from their child’s school and in particularly the consent form.

Dr Cath Munro, Chair of NHS Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group, said: “The festive season is now over so there is no excuse for putting off getting vaccinated.  It is essential that everyone eligible gets their vaccination as it protects you from serious illness and makes you less likely to spread COVID-19, keeping your friends and family from getting seriously ill from COVID-19.

“This last week of the school Christmas holiday is a great opportunity for our 12-15 year olds to get their Covid-19 vaccine before they start back at school as quickly as possible.”

Councillor Colin Foster, Stockport Council’s Cabinet Member for Children, Family Services & Education, said: “With rates currently so high in Stockport, getting 12-15 year olds their vaccinations will help to reduce disruption to childrens’ education and help to protect the wider community. While we will have a programme for vaccinating healthy 12-15 year olds in schools in Stockport, if any parent would like their child to receive their vaccination more quickly, these clinics in different areas of Stockport will allow the young people to fit in their first or second vaccination in two convenient and accessible locations before the start of the new term.”