13th April 2021
The CCG has a dedicated helpline and email address for any queries about the vaccines or the vaccination programme in Stockport. This is the best place to get the answers you need. Do not call your GP practice, you will be contacted when it is your turn to be vaccinated.
Stockport CCG COVID-19 helpline: 0161 426 9910
Email: stoccg.pxenquiries@nhs.net
If your call is not answered straight away, simply leave your details and you will receive a call back at the earliest opportunity.
You can find information online, including a section dedicated to the most frequently asked questions, on our dedicated COVID-19 Vaccination Programme Information Page.
If you have already been invited to a vaccination appointment you can book in by contacting the NHS booking team by calling 119 for free 24 hours a day, 7 days per week.