17th February 2021
Do you have or care for someone with dementia?
Healthwatch Stockport is running an online discussion on Thursday 25 February 1pm – 2pm, to hear about your experiences over the last 12 months, particularly since the Covid-19 pandemic began.
It will be an informal and confidential discussion between no more that 10 of us about what it has been like for you and your loved ones. If you would like to join us for the session we would love to hear from you. If you would like to find out more please call Healthwatch Stockport on 0161 974 0753.
Alternatively you can share your views with us on a 1-1 basis by telephoning 0161 974 0753 and asking for Shirley, or by completing our online contact us form
What will we do with what you tell us?
We will put together a summary of the feedback we receive and use the lived experience of local people to influence commissioners and providers of services to provide improved care for people in Stockport. We will also share examples of good practice and encourage shared learning. We do not share any personal information or information that would identify you, we may use certain comments, which we would anonymise or ask permission to use.