All You Need to Know About the Pfizer Jab for 16-17 Year Olds

Since the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) and government announced that 16-17 year olds will be eligible to receive their first COVID vaccination, Stockport CCG has been working hard with its partners to plan how to deliver them.

In the first instance, eligible 16-17 year olds can access their first Pfizer vaccination by walking into one of our pop up clinics from Thurs 12 August at Heaton Mersey Mosque, Battersea Road, Heaton Mersey, SK4 3QR 10am-4pm and Fri 13 August at Brinnington Park Leisure Complex, Northumberland Road, SK5 8LS, 10am-4pm. Other options will be available on the national booking line in coming days.

Why do 16-17 year olds need a vaccine against COVID?

As with other members of the family, extended households or children in care, getting vaccinated allows protection against hospital admissions and better protects any vulnerable people they live with – or come into contact with – whether that’s the older generation or others living with them who have ongoing chronic health conditions.

No formal ID required

Proof of identity gets checked and processed during the initial screening time so no formal ID is required before getting vaccinated. If an NHS number is known, it will be useful but it is not necessary.

No consent is required for 16-17 year olds

Parents, guardians and carers do not need to provide their consent before their children can attend, or receive, the COVID vaccination. Young people can simply turn up at the pop up clinics on the day – with, or without, parents or carers.

Pfizer is the only vaccination available to 16-17 year olds

The Pfizer vaccine was approved by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency for young people aged 16 years old and over, and until further approvals are secured, this will remain the recommended vaccination available to this group.

How good is the protection with the Pfizer jab?

The JCVI has estimated that just one Pfizer vaccine dose will provide young people with at least 80% protection against hospital admission with COVID-19.