Key Documents

The plans to transform the way health and social care services are provided in Stockport cover a number of different areas.

Over the course of 2017, a series of conversations have been held with members of the public and other interested Stakeholder organisations and groups. These have helped us to understand the main concerns of people across Stockport, and have helped us to check whether the Stockport Together plans will address these and improve health and social care services for the people who use them.

Most recently, during October and November 2017, a formal consultation was carried out on the principle of formally adopting the proposals set out in the Stockport Together business cases.

Following this, the responses submitted by individuals and organisations across Stockport were independently reviewed, and a report was produced. The report can be viewed here:

Stockport Together Independent Consultation Analysis

This report will now be used to inform formal decisions being made by the Governing Body of NHS Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group and the Cabinet of Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council in January 2018.

Prior to the formal consultation, a ‘listening phase’ was completed. This gave the people of Stockport the chance to tell us the main issues they faced when accessing health and social care services.

An ‘issues document’ was drafted which outlines all of the current health and social care problems we’re going to be addressing through Stockport Together. This clearly spells out what the main issues are within the borough and what we will aim to change through this work.

Issues Document

In order for the partner organisations to get approval from the boards and their public members to implement the ideas, a series of business case documents have been drafted to talk through the costed proposals.

These documents can be viewed here: Business Cases and Summaries

These documents have been written to outline the funding and staffing levels that will be needed to make these changes, and as such, they contain a lot of high-level detail. To help you to better understand the plans, a series of summary documents have been created, pulling out the key information and ideas we’d like to implement.

Below are some of the key documents that might provide some useful insight into the Stockport Together programme, the partners or the activity.

Stockport Together Consultation Analysis Report

Stockport Together Listening Phase Report

Stockport Together Evidence Based OP Priorities Report

Stockport Together Evidence Base Sources Report

Stockport Together Evidence Review and Summary Report

Stockport Together Informatics Strategy 2015 -2020