Events and Education

Steady Bones Workshop

Tuesday 3 October 2017, 2.15pm – 4.30pm

Stockport Sports Village, Woodley, SK6 1QX

This workshop session will help you to understand osteoporosis, learn ways to manage it on a day to day basis, and also give you information to make the right choices about your treatment, now and in the future.


My Diabetes – My Life

Tuesday 10 October 2017, 4pm – 6.30pm

Stockport Sports Village, Woodley, SK6 1QX

Join other people who also have Type 2 Diabetes at a session to help you to understand your condition, learn ways to manage it on a day to day basis, and also give you the information you need to make the right choices now and in the future. Take control of your health and wellbeing!

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