Monday briefing 8.5.17

The formal Primary Care Commissioning Committee took place in public last week. The committee is responsible for managing the budget for GMS/PMS funding. There was a safeguarding paper but the biggest item was on investment into general practice and managing performance around that investment. In the CCG operational plans there was a lot about investing in primary care at scale. The committee looked at some of the detail and agreed to fund an additional £1.9m on top of the national financial uplift and existing GP development scheme. The investment will be used to deliver Greater Manchester primary care standards that all general practice should aspire to and some work on care navigation. The funding was agreed and will be added in to individual GP contracts with the aim of starting by July.

Through the Stockport Together business cases we will be investing in primary care at scale. The CCG ommissioning intentions were taken to the committee to start the process of discussing with Viaduct.  We are funding a pilot in the Heatons practices to test out 7 day access. This started on Saturday and will be running for two months. Thanks to Andy, Gale and Gillian and the contracts team who pulled together a contract very quickly following the committee. We have informed practices and there will be more informaation shared at the GP start of year of conference on Wednesday. This is an important event in the CCG calendar.

The interviews will take place for the recruitment of a new Chief Executive for Pennine Care.  There is also a meeting meeting with John Rouse and others about mental health this week to talk about our commissioning intentions and priorities.

Today, the joint commissioning board will take place to discuss this years section 75 agreement. There will  be some proposals around the pooled fund and an item on the outcomes framework.

Last week had to pull together inforamation at very short notice for NHS England.  Thank you to everyone who helped with that.

Gaynor presented some prizes….


In March the CCG competed in the ‘Going the Distance’  challenge against Stockport MBC and Stockport FT.  The CCG team won and Aaron Atkinson was picked from the top 15 scores and has been awarded a £50 Love to Shop voucher.

Talking Together

To promote the Talking Together crowdsourcing site we randomly selected names from those who have signed up, with each winning a day pass to a Life Leisure.  The winners were:

  • Richard Wilde
  • Helen Leonard
  • Jasmine Corbelle
  • Sarah Smith