Monday briefing 30th January 2017

Mark Chidgey presented this weeks briefing.

At Governing Body the performance report focussed on A&E performance which has not improved/recovered since Christmas. On finance, we are on track to deliver the 2016/17 targets however work is being done to ensure that the CCG is ready to deal with any potential threats to delivery.

At the pre board the members had a session on primary care at scale – what general practice could look like in 5 to 10 years time. A lot of progress was made but more work needs to be done to identify a clearer vision.

There had been questions from the public at the meeting about implications of not achieving the Stockport Together plans. Concerns were raised about cost cutting. The Governing Body agreed that they need to be much clearer on this.

There has been a one day peer review of delayed transfers of care (DTOCs). Stockport and another area are in the spotlight due to poor performance. The  team were impressed with the way that we work collboratively in Stockport however they questionned how we track and challenge to help improve.

A strong letter from John Rouse has been received calling for an urgent meeting to discuss A&E performance.

The work of the complaints team has been recognised in a local report by the Stockport Advocacy service. Gaynor and management team are proud of the work that the team have done.