13th February 2017
John Rouse updated at the Chief Operating Officers meeting last Friday. He informed CCGs that there will be a new performance dashboard for all STP areas from 1st April. This will include all the current targets and standards. This reporting will run in shadow form from the end of February. This may be an uncomfortable experience for us as given the current challenges.
GMHSC partnership continue to increase scrutiny and challenge on our Delayed Transfers of Care which remain high (around 70 at least per day). An urgent summit has been called tomorrow night to discuss again with GMHSC.
A commissioning review across Greater Manchester is taking place and is supported by Deloittes. Stockport is well placed to respond to this. It will look into the detail of how you actually integrate and what is best to organise and commission at what level. Its a very complex area of work. Our position statement on this has been signed and will be ciculated.
The Quarter 4 assurance process is is to be set up for March April. This is an important indicator for our rating as it reviews our progress against a number of domains.
There will be no formal Governing Body this month but there will be a development session focussing on primary care. This will help us decide how we take forward investment in primary care.