Section 140 of the National Health Service Act 2006, inserted by the Health and Social Care Act 2012, sets out that the CCG must:
- Maintain one or more registers of interest of the members of the group, members of its governing body, members of its committees or subcommittees or its governing body, and its employees;
- Publish, or make arrangements to ensure that members of the public have access to these registers on request;
- Make arrangements to ensure individuals declare any conflict or potential conflict in relation to a decision to be made by the group, and record them in the registers as soon as they become aware of it, within 28 days; and
- Make arrangements, set out in the constitution, for managing conflicts of interest, and potential conflicts of interest in such a way as to ensure that they do not appear to affect the integrity of the group’s decision-making processes.
See below for the CCG’s conflict of interest policy and the declaration of interests of staff and GP members: