Strategic Performance report March 2014
Strategic Performance report April 2014
Performance report Oct 2014
Performance report Nov 2014
Performance report Dec 2014
Performance report Jan 2015
As part of an annual assurance process NHS England now produce a ‘balanced scorecard’. This gives an assessment of Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and is to ensure that CCGs are able to commission safely, use their budgets responsibly, and exercise their functions to improve quality, reduce inequality and deliver improved outcomes within the available resources.
The Quarter 1 balance scorecard for NHS Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group can be viewed by clicking on the link below:
Quarter 1 Balanced Scorecard for NHS Stockport CCG 14-15
Quote from Ranjit Gill, Chief Clinical Officer about the report:
“We’re pleased to be ensuring safe high quality care in almost all aspects. We are continuing to work with local hospitals and GP practices to reduce avoidable infections. We continue to make all efforts possible to help our local hospital to provide the speed and quality of care necessary for it to provide Accident and Emergency care to the national standard.”
Each year a survey is conducted with our stakeholders, for example, GPs, Healthwatch, neighbouring CCGs and our healthcare providers. You can view the report below.
Stockport CCG summary report
NICE compliance and Guidance information – July 14