Practice Manager Leadership Course

North West Leadership Academy are offering a Practice Manager Leadership Course – The role of the Practice manager plays a crucial part in the coordination and delivery of primary care activity. Not only is the role pivotal it is evolving and growing in response. While this presents exciting new possibilities it also has its difficulties. Practices are busy and the practice manager is in high demand from other people in and around the practice, to patients and public.

This programme is designed to allow practice managers the space and time to consider their impact as a leader on themselves, their practice team and GPs, as well as the wider system.

Programme Aims

  • Build and develop effective working relationships across their networks
  • Enhance influencing and negotiation skills
  • Greater confidence and personal resilience working across systems
  • Develop more effective and assertive communication skills
  • Consolidate learning into reality and apply back to their workplaces.

Learning Outline

During the programme participants will embark on a development journey which builds the foundations to form a sustainable peer support group. Reflecting on recent leadership experiences participants will be supported to develop their leadership both personally and as teams, looking at how practice managers can develop and support the role in PCNs.


To be confirmed. Please email and we will add you to the wait list.

Booking Process/Additional Information