Menopause Update

Target Audience/Eligibility Criteria

This course is suitable for GPs, Nurse Practitioners and Practices Nurses who provide menopause care.

Course Aim

This course aims to provide delegates with an update on the latest guidance and will cover common referrals into secondary care and management of complex menopausal cases. The presenter will also focus the session on specific areas of need if they are emailed in advance of the session. Please send any suggestions to

Course Content

Upon successful completion of the course delegates will be:

  • Updated on the latest guidance and good practice around menopausal care
  • Aware of the most common referrals into secondary care and how they can be managed within primary care
  • More prepared to manage more complex menopausal cases

Course Duration

2 hours


Madeleine Crow, Sexual and Reproductive Health Consultant, Locala Community Partnership CIC


To be confirmed. Please email and we will add you to the wait list.

A recording of the session that took place on Friday 8th September 2023, is available here.

This session will be carried out via a video conferencing platform, delegates will need a computer or smart phone to join, where possible they are encouraged to use a web camera to fully participate. All joining details will be available before the session.

Booking Process/Additional Information

Bookings for this course should be made via the Virtual College LMS: Enquiries can be made via or 07393 798115.