Signposting to Signpost Stockport for Carers

Signpost provides a range of information and support to unpaid carers across the borough of Stockport. This includes contingency planning, counselling and emotional support, practical advice, activities and information and benefits advice.

The service supports anyone providing a significant level of unpaid care to a friend, relative or neighbour, regardless of the age of the carer (from 6+) or cared for. This includes those whose cared for is in residential care, or currently in a secondary care setting. The carer and/or the cared for is required to be a resident of Stockport in order to be able to access the service.

The patient can be signposted for the following if the patient is otherwise well:

  • Patient has caring responsibilities – spouse, parent, child, other friend/family member
  • Low mood, financial difficulties, isolation and anxiety as a result of caring responsibilities

The patient CANNOT be signposted if:


  • They are under 6 years old
  • The carer and the cared for reside outside of Stockport.

Patients can self refer, or can be referred by professionals –

0161 442 0442

Following referral, a member of the carers support team will contact the patient with discussion of services and support

Approx 8 weeks waiting list for formal counselling services.

All services are free to access, donations welcomed and encouraged