Practice Nurse Fellowship

Practice Nurse Fellowships

The Greater Manchester Training Hub (GMTH) in collaboration with the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership (GMHSCP) are pleased to invite you to their first webinar detailing the General Practice Nurse fellowship.  This can be done in conjunction with the GPN Foundation Programme.  It has to be accessed within the first 12 months of a nurse qualifying.  It focuses on leadership, mentoring and coaching skills and the way primary care works. Starting in September 2021 the GPN Fellowship year 1 will begin with an introduction to general practice, the delivery of the fundamentals through access to the foundation course   and introduction to peer networks, the  development of your PDP and introduction to your PCN.  In your second year you will continue with peer support, supervision and coaching plus have access to learning & development on Quality Improvement,, leadership, practice management skills & remote consultations.   The final part of the Fellowship will be your PCN portfolio working.   More information can be found here –

The general practice nurse is corner stone to care delivery in general practice, anecdotally taking up to 5 years to develop an experienced GPN.  The associated cost attached to this variable across GM, however, typically being upwards of £6000 including time away from practice to study. We are delivering a 2-year Fellowship programme that will facilitate this development: the salary support is based on pro-rata costs and the educational element is free.  Information about funding and criteria as at Jan 2022 can be found here – Webinar presentation 13 01 22