Personal Health Budgets – An Introduction (e-learning)

Target Audience/Eligibility Criteria

This course is suitable for anybody who needs to find out more about personal health budgets.  Personal health budgets are a relatively new concept in the NHS, but as they become more widely available this course will be of interest to professionals working across the NHS who would like to understand more.

Course Aim

Personal health budgets and integrated budgets are outlined in the NHS planning guidance as an important way to hand more power to patients. This course introduces the background to personal health budgets, how they work for people, how they can address some of the challenges faced by the NHS, and the plans to expand availability to other people with complex and long term health conditions. This session will present an overview of personal health budgets, including a description of:

  • The key features of a personal health budget
  • What needs to be in place to offer personal health budgets to people to ensure they are implemented well
  • Examples of how personal health budgets work in practice

Course Duration

Approximately 20 minutes


E-learning for Healthcare


This resource can be utilised at any time.

Booking Process/Additional Information