Lone Working & Security Awareness (e-learning)

Target Audience/Eligibility Criteria

This e-learning module will be of benefit to anyone working in the healthcare sector. Everyday thousands of people working in the healthcare sector will be exposed to situations where they are left alone with patients or other members of the public.

This is an integral part of working in a caring profession as doctors, physiotherapists, health visitors, outreach workers and many others meet people who need help and often depend on a one-to-one consultation. In addition, people such as researchers, laboratory technicians, administration staff and receptionists have roles that take them away from their colleagues for significant periods.

Course Aim

This course will aim to provide an introduction to lone working, outline employer and employee responsibilities and covers how to assess the risks and take precautionary measures.

Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of this module delegates will know:

  • What lone working is, and why it is an issue worth finding out about
  • What responsibilities your employer has to you, and what responsibilities you have too
  • The basic process of how people’s roles are assessed to see what potential risks exist from lone working
  • Some of the key questions you can ask yourself in order to assess your own situation each time you work alone
  • How to act and what precautions to take in order to reduce the risks of lone working

Course Duration

Approximately 30 minutes.


Virtual College


This is e-learning so can be undertaken at any time.


This session is free of charge for all delegates from Stockport General Practices.

Booking Process/Additional Information