Deaf Awareness for Healthcare Staff – Full Session

Target Audience/Eligibility Criteria

This session is suitable for the whole general practice workforce.

Course Aim

This course aims to increase deaf awareness amongst health professionals, improving access to services and better health outcomes for deaf people. It will specifically focus on how those working in general practices can adapt their environment and behaviours to improve the experience of healthcare for deaf people.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course delegates will be able to:

  • Identify different types of deafness
  • Define the barriers deaf people face when accessing healthcare and what we can do to address these barriers within general practice
  • Demonstrate the BSL alphabet and basic greeting signs.
  • List ways to improve access to and the experience of healthcare for deaf people; what can we all do to make a trip to the doctor easier for someone deaf/with a hearing impairment
  • Use or implement a range of communication tools when working with deaf people
  • Discuss approaches used by other organisations that deal with this well and the difference this has made
  • Utilise the checklist provided to consider a range of practical suggestions that should be considered within general practice setting; from changes in reception processes to during consultations
  • Discuss the changes that COVID has made in relation to deaf people and have an understanding of how to deal practically with any issues that have arisen

Course duration

3 hours


Manchester Deaf Centre. A BSL interpreter will also be at the session


To be confirmed. Please email and we will add you to the wait list.


This session is free of charge for all delegates from Stockport General Practice.

Booking Process/Additional Information