General Practice Finance Update

Target Audience/Eligibility Criteria

Practice Managers or those in the Practice with the responsibility for managing the Practice finances.

Course Aim

This short interactive session aims to provide delegates with a General Practice finance update which will focus on the contract changes for 2023/24.  Delegates will leave the session with a clear understanding of the changes and what they need to do in practice as a result.

Course Overview

This session will include:

  • Overview of Changes for 2023/24
    • GP contract changes and how this could impact your practice finances
  • Hints and Tips
  • Question and Answer session

Course Duration

Face to face 90 minutes /  Virtual 1 hour


Katy Drew LL.B. F.C.A A.L.C.M., Primary Care Development Manager, Sandison Easson Specialist Medical Accountants

Katy is a Chartered Accountant who has a wealth of knowledge at the forefront of Primary Care Management and Finance.  Having spent part of her career in practice management she is keen to support managers in translating financial information, so they are able to present data in an accessible and understandable way to GP partners.  She is a motivational and enthusiastic trainer who inspires confidence in those she works with at both individual practice level and through courses and conferences.


To be confirmed. Please email and we will add you to the wait list.

Delegates have a choice of a face 2 face or virtual session, both sessions will cover the same content, face to face has a longer time allocation due to the potential increase in interaction.

The 2nd session will be carried out via a video conferencing platform, delegates will need a computer or smart phone to join, where possible they are encouraged to use a web camera to fully participate. All joining details will be available before the session.


This course is free of charge for those working in Stockport General Practices.

Booking Process/Additional Information

Bookings for this course should be made via the Virtual College LMS: Enquiries can be made via or 07393 798115.