Clinical Supervision Groups

There is an opportunity for  Practice Nurse’s to attend Stockport Clinical Supervision sessions.  Sessions will now be run virtually therefore reducing the time out of the practice.  We have been running Clinical Supervision for our Practice Nurses and Nurse Practitioners in Stockport for some time.  As you may well be aware, clinical supervision is a term used to describe a formal process of professional support which should be seen as a means of encouraging self-assessment, analytical and reflective skills.  Clinical supervision can both enable and support those in clinical practice.

We recently issued a survey to all PNs and NPs to measure the benefits found by the nurses that attended and a selection of comments include:

  • “Sharing good practice and ideas , as a resource for learning from shared experiences and being able to pool resources so that the practice is not starting from scratch on something another practice has already initiated and we can learn from them on what has and has not worked”
  • “I have been able to feedback ideas / information to other practice members”
  • “Take time out, discuss problems, feel supported and be able to move on in a mentally healthy way meaning I was more resilient in the future”
  • “Pts benefited from a new approach to managing their chronic illnesses which gave me more confidence to try this with others as well”
  • “I am able to keep professional and not let personal emotions or circumstances get in the way of delivering empathic and quality care”
  • “By being a more rounded supported clinician”
  • “These sessions are really valuable. They enable group discussion. Valued Peer advice/ information”
  • “Meeting with other nurses to discuss challenges and the way to move forward to enhance good clinical practice”

CQC are also really supportive of Clinical Supervision. In one of their reports they highlight:

  • It can help staff to manage the personal and professional demands created by the nature of their work. This is particularly important for those who work with people who have complex and challenging needs – clinical supervision provides an environment in which they can explore their own personal and emotional reactions to their work.
  • It can allow the member of staff to reflect on and challenge their own practice in a safe and confidential environment. They can also receive feedback on their skills that is separate from managerial considerations.
  • It can be one part of their professional development, and also help to identify developmental needs. It can contribute towards meeting requirements of professional bodies and regulatory requirements for continuing professional development (where applicable).
  • Clinical supervision has been associated with higher levels of job satisfaction, improved retention, reduced turnover and staff effectiveness. Effective clinical supervision may increase employees’ perceptions of organisational support and improve their commitment to an organisation’s vision and goals. It is one way for a provider to fulfil their duty of care to staff.
  • Importantly, clinical supervision has been linked to good clinical governance, by helping to support quality improvement, managing risks, and by increasing accountability.
  • Clinical supervision is considered to be an essential part of good professional practice by a range of different professional bodies. It can contribute to meeting any continuing professional development requirements set by a professional body or a regulator, and can therefore help ensure that staff remain registered and able to work (if applicable).

How it will work:

  • Sessions will run either 2 hourly, every 8 weeks or for 90 minutes every 6 weeks.
  • PNs and NPs, apply to join the group of their choice.  The application form is attached with details of the available groups.

If you are interested in attending please complete the application form Here indicating which date and times are suitable. If have any questions or would like to discuss further please send an email to or call 07393 798115